
Archive for March, 2009

One of the ways I am entering into Lent this year is by doing my best to live more simply.  I suppose it’s hard to call it “simple living” when it is no longer a choice to live simply, but a reality if we want to get out of debt.  But it helps to believe that we do have a choice. We have a choice to live like we have been living and, little by little, go further into debt or live a new life that allows us to see that there is, in actuality, life after debt.  Debt is its own death, whereby we become slaves to our own desires and feel that death is our only hope at freedom. But Jesus suggests something else.  He continues telling us in the Gospels that the Kingdom of Heaven is here, right now, in the middle of our debts.  I choose to live in such a way that I can see resurrection somewhere in my right now.  I choose to live in such a way that God’s kingdom, and thus God’s abundance, is right here, forgiving me my debts.

I decided that I needed to get real about my debts.  If I was going to write a blog about them, I probably needed to take a good look at myself.  And what I discovered was a laundry list of overwhelming debts — some stupid (credit cards to pay off other credit cards) and some smart (education loans to get where I am today).  And I called my creditors, one at a time, and told them that I intend to pay them off.  I asked for lower interest rates. And most all of them decided to help me out.  It was humiliating to say — “I need help.”   But then again, the kingdom of heaven is here.  I have nothing to fear.

I will have my credit cards paid off in 4 years if nothing changes — if I remain as a pastor of a small church with my husband staying home to raise the kids.  And if things do change for the better, well then I’ll have my credit cards AND my car paid off, not to mention making a good dent in our student loans in the next 4 years.

As I entered the “overwhelmed” feeling that money can put on us, a fellow pastor asked me a pointed question.  What is your Source?  Is it God who is able to provide above and beyond what we need or desire or is it this feeling of lack?  I realized the need to live in gratitude — to give back to God with a generous life while paying off my debts.  I’d like to help forgive others their debts, even if it’s just a few dollars here and a few dollars there.

And that, I suppose, it what’s at the heart of simple living.  We still have a decision in the midst of our low-income reality.  We have a choice to help those who accompany us on this life’s journey. Sometimes the gifts we offer look incredibly simple to us — a dollar here, a hug there, a smile to him, an hour of listening to her — but simple living has the potential to announce to the world: The Kingdom of Heaven is here!  God IS our source! So be it.

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